4 Incredible Reasons Why Modular Offices Are Cost Effective Solutions For Construction Services

I’m sure we can all agree that for any growing business, extra space is often a necessity (and an expensive one at that)

But what if I were to tell you that it doesn’t have to be so pricey? Modular office buildings can be anywhere between 10-20% less expensive than traditional building methods – perhaps even more!

Skeptical? Worry not – In this blog, I’ll explain why modular buildings are GUARANTEED to save you money.

1. Lighter Materials = Less Expense

Unlike traditional structures, modular office buildings offer the option of using a concrete base as opposed to an entire foundation. This is because they’re made of a far lighter material than regular buildings and therefore require a less complex base. “How will this save me money,” I hear you ask?

Because the base is less complex than an entire foundation that would be required for a standard building, it requires less materials. Naturally, less materials mean reduced costs. Not only this, but modular offices use incredibly accurate construction designs. Every single building produced uses precise quantities of materials, so you’re not paying for wasted material – you can be sure that everything you pay for gets used.

2. Forget about those never-ending construction projects

The construction of an entire modular building could take less time than it can take some architectural plans to even be approved. That’s a pretty drastic time difference, right? Think about it: the building can be constructed at the same time as the site work is being done. That means that your modular office could be completed 30% to 50% faster than traditional construction methods.


To put that into context, modular buildings can be assembled within a 12 week period. Some traditional construction projects can take around 7 months, maybe even more. Who wants to sit around for 7 months waiting for something to be built? That’s 7 whole months worth of business that you could be missing out on. The best part?

There’s more to it than that. Not only are you not losing out on 7 months worth of business, you’re paying for less man-hours. Equipment, workers – they don’t pay for themselves. The less time they have to work, the less you have to pay them. It’s simple when you think about it.


3. Weather? What about it?

If you’ve been looking into expanding your premises for a little while, you’ll have undoubtedly heard of Adverse Weather Days. In case you, like me, had never heard of these until very recently, I’ll clear it up for you. These are when building companies plan for days when the weather may not be suitable for building in. It’s hard to believe that companies typically account for between 3 and 8 adverse weather days every month. The kicker? They still have to be paid for these days, despite the fact that the construction is making absolutely no progress. In case you’re wondering why I’ve brought this up, I’ll explain.

With modular building projects, you don’t have to worry about weather delays. 60-90% of modular construction work is done in a factory, which totally erases the risk of weather delays. Sound good? It gets better.

Not only are you saving money by not having to pay people for doing no work, your modular offices can be occupied sooner. Getting your business back up and running sooner will create a faster return on investment for you.

4. Flexibility is a bonus, and it’s what modular offices are best for

I can almost hear the cogs turning in your mind – you’re a growing business, you want to make sure that your premises are flexible enough to accommodate for the changing circumstances. Well, you can stop worrying right away and here’s why.

Modular office buildings work very much like lego bricks. Need to move your offices to a different location? It can be disassembled, transported to the new site, and then reassembled once again. If you had a traditionally built office and wanted to move sites, for example, you’d have to pay for it to be demolished and then for a whole new office to be erected at the new site. With modular offices, you only have to cover the transportation of the office.

Need to extend? Simple – we can just take out a wall and add another room to the side. Alternatively, we can stack another office on top of your existing one. If you had a traditional building, you’d have to pay to demolish a wall, remove pipes and electrics, build an extension, and then ensure the pipes and electrical circuits are all in working order once again.

Not only can modular offices save a whole lot of time and effort, they can also – and potentially most importantly – save you a lot of money.


Feeling enlightened?

Hopefully, we’ve given you a little insight into why modular offices are so cost effective! If you enjoyed the blog, let us know by leaving a like, comment, or sharing the knowledge with your friends.

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