Myths of modular construction

The truth about Modular Buildings.

The modular building industry is a constantly evolving, developing, and growing area of construction. There are a lot of concerns and ideas around modular buildings and portable or temporary builds. In recent years the quality and capabilities of them have improved so much that some of these worries are no longer a concern. The improvements have often surpassed those of traditional buildings, especially in terms of cost, sustainability, and time to manufacture.


Modular buildings mean they are temporary.

One of the largest concerns people have about modular buildings is that they are only temporary solutions, and while they certainly are amazing for filling temporary needs, they are also perfect for the long term. Modular building companies will make sure that their builds fit all the right standards as a permanent build. The buildings have steel frames and are made from high-quality materials and can be build with specific requirements. They are also easier long term to repair damages. The construction takes place off site in a more controlled environment. This in term results to a better quality due to the project not being subjected to bad weather like rain or snow. The build is therefore less likely to get damp during the build too.


Modular buildings look ugly and boring.

Another major concern is the aesthetics of the building. People see them as ugly and boring. A modular building is usually expected to be a basic rectangular grey box with a door and a few windows. While some of these are still made for office on construction sites, taking the approach of purpose over looks there are lots of different options to improve the look of your build. With all the different cladding options, roof styles, door and window customisation and external features a portable building can look much more interesting attention grabbing than a box. Alternatively, it can be finished to blend in with surrounding buildings and places nearby and look like another permanent addition to site, which it should be. A seamless façade can hide the pillars. Cladding options can range from wood to plastisol, and this gives the build an elegant finish.

Modular office and workshop


They have restrictive designs.

A criticism of modular buildings is that they are not flexible and must remain boxes. With progression and innovation alongside creative, talented engineers much more layouts are available. A modular solution allows many configurations just like Lego and its countless combinations. With recent innovations and bespoke builds even more options and flexibility can be offered. Modules now can deliver ever more dimensional options and layouts. Sizes can be completely changed and planned how to sit together.

Restrictive is not a word we enjoy because we like to ever increase our knowledge and more. A traditional building can be extended with modular sections facilitating to fit in with the existing building style whether that includes the ceilings and floors or the roof. As a modular building is built in sections a design can be altered as it goes along and offers much more flexibility for additions or design similarities in the future when compared to a traditional build extension.


Modular buildings are weak and flimsy.

A lot of old portable buildings seem to have flimsy walls and floors that have become uneven. With progression to a higher building standard this is no longer an issue. Floors are created much stronger and more durable with improvements in materials. The wall is created with appropriate insulation and built to be more long lasting. With a treated steel frame, the buildings’ internal structure will be stronger and last much longer than it had done before. With modular buildings becoming used more frequently in a wider range of industries floor options are become more diverse. Flooring coverings can vary from vinyl to carpet and more.

Modular toilet block scarborough


Modular buildings are either too hot or too cold and lack insulation.

In the past modular buildings have been known to be too hot or too cold and many can see that as a concern. By using the right insulation materials for the build and making sure it is set for the job it will have to do the building can be insulated correctly with the same material as used on a traditional build. A modular build can achieve the same u value as a traditional alternative.


They are just the cheap option.

In one way yes! A modular building is a cheaper solution to a traditional build it can save a lot of money and time when compared. While a traditional build is just finished with foundations a modular building can be ready to be delivered. When we say cheaper though it is made from the best quality of materials to the highest specifications and often the requirements it must meet are those of a traditional build too. So even with the same build quality and materials it costs less time to produce and less labour costs with half the amount to pay for because multiple build sections can be worked on simultaneously. Budget overruns are also less likely with no weather delays and the more practical and predictable building environment.


They lack key utilities.

Some people think this cheaper alternative lacks the ability to be hooked up to utilities. Power, water, and drainage can all be added to a build. With all the regular hook up options available like a regular building there is no difference in this sense between the two.

A modular toilet block for a campsite


Remote locations are a big issue for modular solutions.

Modular buildings are a lot better at being placed in hard-to-reach places quite a lot. While cranage and access to site can be a problem this is just as true for a traditional build. With a traditional build multiple lorries, vans, trucks, the crane and even a cement mixer need to come over the course of the whole project (which is usually about twice as long). With a modular build there will be site visits and one day dropping off the bays and finishing the process on site. There is also the fact you will not need to find the skilled labour force in a remote location with a modular build as it is made away from the site.


It is too risky to transport a building.

The most stressful and concerning part of the whole process for many is the transportation on to site. Firstly, transport to site is always done by an experienced team who spend time planning the route to make sure there are no delays, the journey is safe and that the modules will not be damaged in transit. Because transport of a bay involves some risks, they meet regulations and limits for sizes on trailers and more so you can know that the best care and most experienced people are carrying out this step of the process.

a delivery on difficult terrain


All these concerns and views of modular buildings have been tackled and the quality and care put in to building them have all increased in recent years. As the industry is growing knowledge and options have all build up to have a better alternative to a traditional permanent build. Money, time and all these other issues are now advantages to choosing modular building solutions.