Prefabricated Offices & Modular Office Buildings

One of the most useful implementations of modular buildings is the adaptation or fabrication of them for the purpose of providing temporary or permanent offices. Some portable offices are temporary requirements, some are additions to pre-existing facilities and others are permanent office buildings. They are extremely flexible. We ourselves use a portable building as an outside site office, repurposing it has saved us both time and money and it still fits the purpose and form perfectly. The different office requirements can all be filled by a portable, modular building.


Modular offices take significantly less time to acquire, the building process is shorter than that of a traditional build. When you have an expanding company the last thing you want is to be waiting for your office to be constructed so that you can keep developing and growing. So, when there is a much faster alternative that will not cause problems on your site then why not choose this. The build time of a modular office is much shorter and can be completed in a lot of cases where a traditional build would have just finished the foundations. Time is a valuable commodity in running a successful company therefore a modular building that can be on site in roughly half the time of a regular building in most cases will ensure you do not waste it.

A prefab office building can make a great addition to a site as they cause minimal disruption while being constructed due to being built away from the existing office spaces. With the installation being only one day, disturbance is kept to a bare minimum. The lack of disruption to a busy office over prolonged periods of time is a huge benefit to having one. They can be dropped off in just one day without the continuous noise of work progressing on site. The safety of staff is always of huge importance to any company so by having no risk to staff during the construction there is a better environment for all your employees to work in. If the Office is for a new site all the other site work that may be required such as pathways, fencing, car parks and landscaping can be done. The fact that it is built off site while other work is done simultaneously will be a big time saver.

Having a prebuilt office can also help with moving the office later, this is especially true for a small portable office building. Your prebuilt office building can be moved to a new location whether this is somewhere else on the same property or to a new site. As you grow and move the building you have  acquired bespoke to you can follow you. Modular office spaces have the great benefit of being adjustable. This means that as the business grows, or your needs change you can rework the size of the office and its internal layout. You do not have to worry about changing it for any future alterations as it can be changed later. Futureproofing is a big part of running a business and the ability to do this is one of the strongest benefits to modular buildings; they allow you to add more or change the layout in the future. Adapting a modular building in the future will give you some more massive savings unlike a traditional build where an extension or renovation is hugely expensive and time consuming.

Modular office blocks do not just have to be an empty office space with windows and doors they can be a fully equipped office environment. A modular building can have a reception area and waiting rooms just as traditional offices do. Having the utilities connected in the same way means that all the water and toilet facilities can be on par with a traditional build. Some offices have seating and lunch areas for staff welfare, including kitchens and break rooms and these can all be catered for and incorporated into a build. Storage rooms, lockers and even shower rooms are all things that can be added into a modular building so the office can fit any company or site requirements. With concerns about being too hot and cold for staff to work in a modular office, construction methods and materials are now high quality and provide sufficient insulation. These materials and the quality of the buildings will keep employees comfortable in the work environment. The looks of a portable or modular building are a factor of concern for some people but with various cladding options and finishes available they will be a great addition. The cladding options can also help it to seamlessly blend in to existing buildings which is great when you want to add an extension. We have case studies where we have created interesting office buildings.

Home Garden Offices

Now that many of us are working from home due to Covid-19 and that many of us will continue home working indefinitely in the future and that there are lots of people who are self-employed, garden offices are becoming increasingly popular. This may not seem to be the most appealing but with the modular buildings you can have a light, comfortable and insulated office right outside your own home. Built to the same quality of traditional buildings and being customisable to fit in with your garden these are becoming an even more interesting option. They can be clad in lots of materials as to blend in and fit your garden so do not have to just be a shed hidden away. With most being bespoke modular buildings, they can be used as a multipurpose space like a gym, playroom, or bar. Disruption to daily life is kept to a minimum as before, there is not the need to let builders on to your property everyday all day while you try to carry on as normal. Your working from a spare room will not be constantly disturbed, there is minimal time on site which is just delivery and finishing sorting the utilities.

Modular office units offer lots of different benefits over a traditional building. They are also reusable and can be reconditioned to fit various purposes and needs. The future proofing aspect is a key point for a growing business, you can plan for the future and plan for expansion. Here at Wintech Modular we build bespoke modular buildings including custom made offices. So now you know more about what a prefabricated office building can be, we are happy to answer any questions you may have and are excited to take on any modular building project.  All you have to do to get in touch is call 01302 759447 or email us at